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Rocco Needs Your Help


Hello all,

Our little man named Rocco has cancer. You might remember about four months ago our dog Bruno had cancer and we had to put him down.


This was our little man Bruno

Rocco was diagnosed with stage 5 cancer and is going through chemo to put it into remission but unfortunately it is terminal. I just ask for all your prayers because Mel and I don’t have any kids so these little guys are our kids. It was really hard losing Bruno and we are not looking forward to having to go through it again with Rocco. I know all you pet lovers know what it is like losing a pet.


Here is Rocco at the UC Davis vet getting the bad news. He is such a great little guy. He actually seemed interested in what she was saying.

21 responses »

  1. Oh guys, I’m SO sorry to hear that. My heart goes out to you! Retro Roadhusband and I don’t have kids either, all we have is our dear pup Rigby who is almost 10, and we’ve been saying lately how hard it will be when he’s no longer with us. Hugs to you, and to Rocco too. Enjoy the time you have together and make every moment count! Xo Mod Betty


    • Thanks Mod Betty. When Bruno passed is seriously was like losing a kid and it took us months to start getting used to him being gone. This new cancer issue just took the wind out of our sails. I can say for certain that the happiness these little guys give you out weighs the sorrow from losing them. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.


  2. I am so sorry. Praying for strength, peace and comfort for you little family. Our pets are part of our family, too. Big hugs for all 3 of you. xoxo


  3. Sending white light, prayers and hugs for Rocco ❤


  4. I am so sorry to hear about both your doggies. 😦 We also do not have human children, so I know how you feel. We had to put one of our kittens to sleep and we both cried like babies. My husband keeps a picture of him by his side of the bed. I’m sending good thoughts your way!


  5. So sorry to hear about Roco. Sending prayers of comfort your way. My husband and I have fur-kids only too. We lost both our cats suddenly last year about 3 months apart. It was rough for us , but our dog took it much worse.


  6. Patricia O'Neill

    I will add little Rocco to our prayer chain, I know how devastating it is when a little guy like him is sick. Patty


  7. Ohhhh, my heart just broke for you and Rocco. He looks like a little trooper. We don’t have kids either our Great Pyrenees, Cab (for Cab Calloway because it looks like he’s wearing a giant white zoot suit) and Spike (for Spike Jones the big band leader) are our babies too. I can’t imagine them going through that. You are in our prayers.


  8. We are going through the same thing with our old girl (dog) Leeloo. And also, our old boy (cat) Puddha had something that caused weight loss but that the vet could not identify. It seems to be a food allergy because switching to a grain-free cat food made all the difference.

    I would like to offer the following advice. Be proactive. If nothing else, it will make you feel like you did everything that you could.

    For Miss Leeloo, we switched her to Blue Buffalo dog food. You might want to read about the dog (Blue) that inspired the people to make this food at their website. We’re also supplementing it with Only Natural Pet B.S.S.T. Herbal Formula from (supposedly good for fighting cancer.) As we’ve just made this change I don’t know how effective it will be.
    If we don’t see any improvement with this program then we’ll keep trying other things.

    You and Rocco will be in my prayers.


  9. Oh Hepcat, I don’t even know what to say. I’ll be keeping you all in my thoughts & in my heart. I’m so darn sorry to hear this. ((HUGS))


  10. Such wonderful news….I have kids but I also have quite a menagerie of pets…..I love and spoil them all….I will say a prayer of gratitude for Rocco and for his continued recovery ….♥



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